The Instigation of a Culmination

. Monday, December 17, 2007

Imagine yourself voyaging on a ship for five and a half long years. Sometimes you have the destination decided, and you move towards it, though still not sure you will get to them. And you try reaching it and sometimes you do. But most of the time you just feel like to go along the wave to the place so unknown, so leaded, so magnetizing. When you boarded the ship you didn’t know many people, and those you knew were just that you knew as people. But with the course of time and the sail, you meet people who boarded before you and also after you. You become close to few, closer to still a few and detested to some.

You find people of your likes, your tastes and your thoughts. You find people attracting you with their intelligence, with their cool behaviors, and with their attitudes. Few mesmerize you with their looks. And you know there are still more few people on board in some corner of the ship, you need to see. You have fun, freak out, eat, drink, sleep, roam around, flirt around with people, play, fight, annoy, crack jokes and do thousands of other things with the people on board. You learn many things. You get used to things so much that you can’t imagine yourself sailing without them, or rather you can’t imagine seeing yourself without them. You get so attached to the ship that you pronoun it as your own possession.

And then a day comes, when you are realized that this isn’t the place you belong to. You are confided that you boarded the ship to leave it someday. That day you find out that the place you consider your world, where you dreamt your future is just a dream in reality. A dream you had lived so long, so completely with, so much enjoyed it that you don’t want to wake up to drop the dream in the air. But life isn’t about sleeping, it is about moving ahead. I know, for me this dream had been so treasuring that even after I get away from the ship, I will be never forgetting it throughout my life. A part of me wants to go ahead and have all together a new air in the life but a major part of me still wants to be in this dream, voyaging places all the time.

Walking on the street I asked myself what makes me,
What is the conviction around that reveals the real me?
The vagueness of my random ideas and stimulations
are really real, or just a theater show at the matinee?

With a hollow wish, I have decided to move ahead
and leave the place I had been living in for so long
It’s not just the place, but also the happiness that
I am leaving behind to create new delights along.

Walking on the same street, I whispered myself
It’s not just me who abides but also are others.
This street will also be longing to endure my feet
as I pine for its ups and downs, twists and turns.

When I hide my face in the darkness of this night
to wipe the tears rolling down my swollen eye.
With the lamp of hope lighting in the dimming dusk
I wish to come back to the place I will now deprive.


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